Workspace Overview
Getting Started
After opening MicroPlex Lab, you will be able to create or open a new project. Projects are based on fuse and relay boxes and use them as the workspace in which logic and circuits are created.
Creating A New Project
Creating a new project is as simple as choosing the desired fuse relay box, project name, and folder to store it in.
Workspace Interaction
Inside the workspace, the selected fuse and relay box is displayed. To start populating the box with MicroPlex controllers and other components, click and drag a component from the component library on the left side of the screen to the desired location. MicroPlex Lab will detect an invalid placement of an item (i.e. over top of an existing component, not enough available pin locations).
Pin Listings
Once components are placed inside of the box, the program instantly knows what the components are capable of doing. For quick reference, MicroPlex pins, along with descriptions, are listed in the right side-dock as part of the appropriate circuit or under 'Unused Pins' if not currently part of a circuit.
In MicroPlex Lab, there are a few assumptions taken regarding controllers and relays. All of the MicroPlex controllers assume that pins, 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are connected. These pins are KL30 power, KL31 ground, CAN H (+), CAN L (-), and KL 15 IGN. All of the relays in the program assume pin 85 is connected to ground and pin 30 is connected to VCC or vehicle power.